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gb 1st coy, swallows
senior contingent
1M, mgs

mood :


erm. peace?
swallows will rule
1st coy to win drill comm


GB 1st coy
GB sec 1s(don't go it's dead)
GB sec 2s
senior contingent

amanda yim
amanda mak
angela CHOO.
angela teo
angeline again
stephanie g

` <3 TAG ME! :D

` << HISTORY ; (:

<3 March 2007 ;
<3 April 2007 ;
<3 May 2007 ;
<3 June 2007 ;

` <33 CREDITS ; (:

CODE; angeliciouss

hits since 180206.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Changed blog!
hahaha but the blogskin is christian based. Read all about it over there!
I aim to have perfect english, without ANY mistakes in ANY post, and to honour God in each post over there!
relink please(:
& OINK! ;
6:05 PM

Berenice is bugging me to post, so here I am. Short post is counted as post right? So HERE YOU ARE BERENICE xD happy?
& OINK! ;
3:15 PM

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Just came back from church retreat!

Personally, although this retreat was one day shorter than the previous ones [being 4 days instead of 5], I felt it was the BEST retreat I've ever had.

Not in terms of food, rooms or the place, but I guess it's just that the speaker's words were really powerful and touched many of us youth people. Pastor Evan Seah, he's at charis methodist right? Haha they're so lucky!

Anyway, pastor evan talked a lot about hunger for God's touch and also about being filled with the Holy Spirit. And we could all feel the presence of God in that place, I'm being serious here.

Extended worship was not as nice as last years i think, but it was powerful, and we were prayed for, and i was really touched at aunty doreen's prayer and the adult speaker's.

I've had motivation for something, but it's not to be revealed until i make sure that it WAS God's motivation yep! I filled up that evaluation thing and it asked whether God spoke to me about anything, and i can't help but feel that THAT THING was what God told me to do. I shall set out and do it! Unless it isn't God's will, then maybe it's just me. Oh well.

I just hope that us as the church can all grow and learn together as one body of Christ, so that I will never forget and never drift apart from God's presence because the presence is just so real, just so great...
& OINK! ;
2:40 PM

Monday, June 11, 2007

I can't believe myself! Last night, I did like half of my tuition work which was one of the 'gan xiang' i had to do for the chinese newspaper report thing. Then, I was intending to do my OTHEr 'gan xiang', but i was too lazy, so i jumped into bed and read finish my book 'little pioneers'. By then it was about 12 midnight. Xuan was doing her music thing and yue was still reading her beloved fan fiction on the computer. But i still didn't feel sleepy, so I went to hunt in my bookshelf, but there's practically nothing to read, so i just picked out this saddle club book randomly and read it. HAHA it's really nice though. Then i read halfway and then i went to do my OTHER gan xiang, and after that i went back to reading my book and finished it, until it was about 2 am.

then xuan came up and turned off the lights, and we talked for about 5 min then yue came up. And then me and xuan talked until about 4 am but i think yue was still awake but trying to sleep-.- but me and xuan kept talking and talking about school life, church people and we also discussed christianity. Intellectual discussion!

yup then FINALLY got to sleep but i was so damn tired that i woke up at 8:45 instead of 8 normally. And i prolly would have slept later if my mum didn't come and wake us up because she wanted to take xuan and yue to the museum with the MM kids and i would be there now if i didn't have violin lesson later. SIGH.

tomorrow we're leaving to malaysia pulai springs and then on wednesday we'll drive off to sofitel resort for the church retreat! I reallyreallyreallyreallyreally hope that my relationship with God will be superduper good! one of my prayer requests would be answered then...

Jeru, sbc girl>:( haha you abandoned me when you were my ONLY 6.2 GB FRIEND LAST YEAR. smarrrrt. Now you're not in my class, you make me sound not so smart anymore. HAHA just joking!!! You belong in sbc dear. But anyway, you don't even come to my blog-.- so..hahaha i don't think you'll see this! Sorry it's a bit late, but i wanted to do yours and lois's together and i didn't do a blog post until today. Too bad it's holidays on your birthday. hahaha i'll always remember that look you always gave me last year when i copied someone's homework. yes la it's a bad habit:D and i so knew you'd become a prefect again! i mean, you're just prefect material! who would wear a GB uniform when she broke her whole leg? haha. love youuu lotss!!!(: stay smart, stay responsible but stay fun! *hugs*

LOIS! You're coming back on 29 june rights? I remember ok! I really wanna meet up after you come back because i haven't seen you in almost a year right? ahhhh!!! yeah it's a whole year! from last year's inter camp. I THINK. haha sorrie my memory very bad, but at least i remember your birthday and when you're coming back!(: I know you're one of the more SENSIBLE ones among us gb sec ones(besides jeru) but thanks for still having so much fun with us! And for always chatting on msn with me! Have a GREAT life in thailand and i look forward to seeing you in singapore! *hugs*
& OINK! ;
9:00 AM

Friday, June 08, 2007

Ruth dear, tell me, if your mother died and your father got remaried to a new mother, would you be so 'happy' because you have a new 'positive' and just forget about the 'negatives'? same concept. this is in relation to your tag on my tagboard ok.

thanks pear(:

I'm thouroughly ashamed of myself, i don't even know how to spell thouroughly. Oh i think it's thoroughly. YUP! but anyway, after PROMISING myself that iwould DO MY MATHS PORT FOLIO TODAY, I didn't do it! Because i looked at the rubrics and all i have to do is design the front cover, pick an assignment I found most difficult, pick an assignment which i was proud of for doing well, do my reflections and THAT'S IT. Oh well, i spent the whole morning reading my witch comics^^ haha some call it lame, but it's quite nice.

anyway, i don't think i'm in any mood to do it today, but according to my homework schedule (yes i actually wrote one for myself o.O), it's supposed to be done today. sigh

yesterday mummy was on leave so she actually suggested we go to K A P for lunch! *gasp* she usually discourages macs/fast food. So i regret going there because there were a lot of sec 4 mgs girls there and i was really embarrassed :x HOW I WISH i didn't see anyone that i knew.

then we went to the ULU bukit timah shopping centre. At least they built a new POSH pub! now it won't look so ulu and...er..deserted. So i went to THIN my hair and i kept emphasising on the 'bao chi chang du' (maintain the length) but nooooo, the lady just wanted to keep cutting it. But anyway, it's ok lar, she cut my fringe until so short.

Then we went to sime darby(the building next to esso) to pay for pulai springs! To think that I've lived where i live all my life and never ever even stepped inside that building before. Usuallyi just pass it without noticing it-.-

it's such a hot day):
& OINK! ;
12:10 PM

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

i'm in no mood to blog.

tag replies:

abby: calmed down:)

yue: hey yue!(: erm, yeah but that was the day itself so..yup(: ehhe did you see my 'happy birthday lin siyue!' in one of my previous posts? MUST SEE! ahhh love you! yeah piglet looks really lonely): sigh. but still very FAT and CUTE as you would say :D

kat: yea i rmb that happened cos i read it on your blog last year. but the feeling goes away right?(:

weiyi: okies, will do so when i remember. -.-"

charlotte: same as weiyi! but anyway, in whose hands? animals don't have souls.

that's all folks...
& OINK! ;
12:30 PM

Monday, June 04, 2007

winnie died.

I cried throughout my whole shower, and when i heard, it came as a huge shock to me. I didn't want to believe it, but even though before i heard, when i was telling myself 'i'm already prepared because i already expected it,' when i heard the news, my first reaction was 'no way' and then my heart just dropped to the pit of my stomach.

heck, even now...

my eyes are already full of tears, i can't even see what i'm typing.

She was in a box, lying down on the floor, her four legs all spread out, when i touched her, she was as hard as a rock, her eyes are still open.

Today is yue's birthday, i want to go to her and say 'can i give you a hug' but i know she's really sad, even though she's not showing it. Just now when papa called and asked what happened, I refused to speak and passed the phone to yue. She didn't dare to say the words 'she died' so she just said 'she's not moving and she's really hard', as if she really doesn't want to believe it.

I really can't believe it, i really can't.

And now my tears start to pour down my cheeks again...
& OINK! ;
5:10 PM

I know this is my second post today, but aynway the news is out.

WINNIE HAS PNEUMONIA. or how do you spell it?
sigh i think she 'can die' that's what my mum said.
that means she's close to death?

must keep her in a safe, warm place and have a light. And she has medicine PHEWW.

thanks to all who said prayers!

haha that sounds silly, but really, it's IMPORTANT OKIES?!??!

sigh she really looks really weak...ohwell shall continue to keep her in prayer.
& OINK! ;
11:40 AM

I think winnie might not survive in time to see the vet.
her eyes are really like half closed and seem STUCK in a kind of way. like it's dying or something.

sigh, it's really sad. what if she doesn't survive? and it's yue's guinea pig you know! and today is yue's birthday some more! it will be her worst birthday if she dies...

yesterday we discovered that she was just really standing still and NOT MOVING at all unless you go close to her then she'll just nod her head feebly. Usually when you come she'll start squeaking really loudly and run around the cage. what's wrong with her?

I read up and i think she might be suffering from a upper respiratory infection, judging from the way she seems to neglect water and food and just loses all awareness of surroundings. I'm really scared, last night was horrible, i was praying reallyreallyREALLY hard that she'd make it through the night so that she could at least see the vet today. Well God answered my prayer, but anyway, she seems a lot worse today. And she has algae under her chin.

i really hope mummy can come home from work and bring winnie to the vet in time!

sighs, if winnie really dies i'm gna cry my eyes out i think. and to think i didn't even WANT the guinea pigs!!! And i think it would've been better to not have any pets, then you wouldn't have to suffer any pain when they die...

& OINK! ;
8:10 AM

Friday, June 01, 2007


man, some of them are really rude, some of them refuse to join in the games, some of them are really stubborn, some of them are rebellious and some of them are CUTE.

i almost died with my group, they simply refused to join in the games, and ended up tearing the newspaper-.-

it's so unfair. rachel's buddy is so cute!!!! DARREN or however you spell it :D

HAHA ok i shall start from the beginning.

so this morning, i was feeling really hot so i went to wash my hair, then it wouldn't dry in time. so i didn't tie my pleat but one bunch. then erm i went downstairs, then i realised i left my forms upstairs so i ran two floors up to the 3rd floor to get the forms and ran all the way down, and by that time it was 9.05. then i was about to put on my SOCKS when my phone started ringing, so i picked it up but it was an unknown number.
me: hello?
somebody: hello? oi are you coming now?
me: huh?
somebody: are you on the way?
me: who's this?
somebody: RACHEL LA!!!
me: OHHHHHH. but it's not your number.
rachel: ya my phone got no more money remember?
me: oh yeah...
rachel: why aren't you here yet?
me: what!
rachel: you were supposed to be here at eight o clock!
rachel: oh sorry sorry i meant 9 o clock.
me: OH-.- but i thought 9.15?
rachel: NO LA IT'S 9!!!
me: omg! wait lemme put on my socks first-.-
rachel: oh you haven't left.
me: OIIII do you have the 2 cans?
rachel: yeah i bought it from the esso mobile station!
me: HARRRHHH i didn't bring eh! i was planning to buy from school, can you help me buy?
rachel: okok but you'll need to bring 2 empty bottles to pour the drinks in.
me: WHAT. no la i'll just drink it there.
rachel: ok but you'd better run to school!!!

so i ran ALL THE WAY to school. and when i got there i was sweating like nuts.
then i ran to the canteen and drank the ice apple tea and rachel drank the jelly grass.
SO STUPID why buy jelly grass!!! thenn if she can't finish, it's harder to throw away the solidified jelly right..lols.

so we took the bus there and played with the kids???
one of my kids had some blood disorder. cannot exert himself or sth...

ohwell my group was REALLY REBELLIOUS but rachel lim's group was SO CUTE. the boys were so earnest in staying on the newspaper that they carried one another and erm. they tried to continue playing even after the game was over.

lol, ok then we had lunch, and i had to buy something from rachel.
so it's like this:
rachel owes me 70 cents for the cookies.
I owe rachel $1.70 for the lunch.
rachel owes me $2.50 for the chips.
I owe rachel 90 cents for the grass jelly.
rachel owes me $1 for half the chocolate ice thingy[i shared with her]

so in all, she owes me...$1.60!!!

hehehe. i left my wallet on the FLOOR then when i suddenly couldn't find my wallet i was getting frantic, then i was hunting all over the place for it, then i asked alysia and she said mrs kuan took it.
me: er mrs kuan, can i have my wallet back?
mrs kuan: who said i have your wallet?
me: alysia

then she went on pretending she didn't have it until she then scolded me [well kinda] for not putting my stuff properly etc etc...lol it was SO EMBARRASSING.

and another embarrassing thing that happened was i was bending down to get out my bottle then when i got up i tripped over JEANNE-.- i tripped over a person!!! can you believe that. and i tried to maintain my balance but then i bumped into SOMEBODY behind and then i fell over FLAT ON MY FACE and my bottle rolled away then mrs thomsett picked it up. SO EMBARRASSED. later i found out that i bumped into rachel behind me-.- hiaz.

then i was bending down then suddenly this boy stood up so his head smashed against my left eye spectacles and then it was like rammed into my face and then it became blur because it was 'dirty' so i took it off but when i put it on it was like..the left spectacle lens was nearer to my eye than the RIGHT spectacle lense, so i took them off and went blind for the rest of the time before lunch.

hahaha oh well, i hope that the lakeside kids had fun!!! we played in the playground(: so fun! but rachels' buddy is seriously CUTE.

ok then it started to rain REALLLLLYYYYY heavily, so we were sheltering but the bus! it was like..300m away from the shelter, so it was only me and rachel and mrs kuan left standing under the damn shelter with no umbrellas. so some ppl came back for us and even so, we were stepping in HUGE puddles so actually the umbrella was kind of useless-.- but anyway, we were soaked through [our shoes, that is] and our shorts and legs were really wet. some more the bus was super cold la.

then we got back to school and had a debrief and we got HOMEWORK>:( then me and rachel saw the sec 4s frm gb, yup. erm, then we were walking down the way out of school then rachel was calling somebody... and she kept on sticking out her hand to see if the rain was heavy or not and then we were laughing like XIAo cos she looked really silly when she kept sticking out her hand while talking on the phone-.-

lol i have a feeling the lakeside kids HATED us. my group definitely did i think-.-
& OINK! ;
3:20 PM

going for CIP later!
i was supposed to bring 2 empty soda cans, but anyway, i haven't had the chance to get hold of them, and when i did, i practically forgot about this thing so yeah xD

yesterday, we had FAMILY DAY yup. So we were playing games where we had to hold toothpicks in our mouths and then transfer rubberbands from each toothpick to one another. quite gross, but it's quite fun also((: then we had to tie the 100 rubberbands that we alr connected and someone had to run all the way to the paper, with the chain of rubberbands, where two guys were standing on. [the paper was A4-.-] and their feet weren't allowed to touch ANYWHERE except the paper and then they each had to use the 'rubberband chain' and skip 10 times each. ahah.

a lot of other games but i shall not bother to elaborate! we had to leave early cus xuan had to be at vch with to practice for her concert which was yesterday night.

so we went for xuan's concert, and then we watched them SING!!! haha njchoir is seriously good(:

they sang el humbo! ooh my favourite. and a lotta other songs which are NOT in english, a lot in jap.

then erm yeah they invited nanyang choir to sing. nanyang girls secondary school i think? they're quite good too.

then there was this part which was a medley of 'think of me', 'phantom of the opera', 'all i ask of you' and 'the point of no return' all from PHANTOM OF THE OPERA :D
but all i ask of you was at first, sung by ONE girl and ONE guy whose voices were the nicest i suppose, then so disgusting, the guy had to hold the girls hand-.- poor them. the teachers probably forced them to do it. and somemore when they did it then a lot of their friends from the audience started cheering like mad and yeah they'll be sooo embarrassed i s'pose.

haha okay then after the concert [which ended with an encore which was SO OBVIOUSLY planned(:], me and my brother waited FORTYFIVE WHOLE MINUTES for xuan who was obviously taking a super long time having some last minute meeting debrief. sigh we had to stand for soooo long-.- and my bro was so pissed.

yup then we went home. alrights, going to take a shower now, my house is so hot-.- i hope i'll have a fun time at CIP playing with a lotta kids and going 'i can't believe i was ever as young as them'.
& OINK! ;
8:20 AM

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

tag replies:

sau: YES I KNOW i alr considered..sigh. but then if you didn't notice, the blog add is supposed to match the blogskin. can you see the pic of the PIG?!??! ahhs..(: (you seriously rock at picking up guinea pigs)

hannahLIM: pootpoot back to you :D thanks for smileys(: (: (: (: they somewhat make me feel better about myself.haha.

ruth: who is the one who just changed blogs?!?? YOU. and anyway, i'm not changing blogs yet, but if i do, it's my own decision. you dun want to relink dun relink LORH. you want to be sick go and be sick lorh. you don't want to visit don't visit lorh. you dun have to put it in such a mean way right? sigh.

kelley: don't be so pessimistic ok.

berenice: from the SCHOOL WEBSITE!(: www.mgs.sch.edu.sg HAHA you can find your own form teacher.

kat: yupyup!!! I read 'mathida' somewhere and then i was thinking: how does she look like arh? and my mind immediately went straight to mrs pandian(: i think she's not darker cus of the make up? dunnooo:D

Just now there was agm, but obvs i didn't go. wahlao that damn worship comm put me down for playing piano for gb day worship for chapel or SMTH. and guess what, it's supposed to be for worship committee to do, not worship team luh. SO it's like it's the whole worship committee except me-.- i'm so extra. i dunno why there isn't a single pianist in the worship comm. sighs.

Hahaha rachel smsed me and said she might be coming to my hse tmrw. IF her mum allows. she wants to come because of me right? not because she wants to see the GUINEA PIGS right? *hopeful look* HAHAHA what a lie. 'eh siyan! tmrw after dental appointment I might be able to come to ur house! then i can see your guinea pigs!'

Anyway, agm right, cos sau didn't have a mufti, so she came to my house to borrow one, then she held one guinea pig while i held the other. then i let the other onto the grass in the garden and she ran behind the flower pots. And i tried to catch her for like 10 min but i failed miserably. She seriously panics and runs real fast. Then sau, the obvious PRO, went and just picked her up straight from the ground -.- GOSH I SUCK.

Then me and my sis brought them up to our room on the 3rd level!!! And dunno who, i think it was piglet, did his business ON THE FLOOR. YUCKS EWW GROSS SICK ARRGHHH. PIGLET IS SO FAT. WINNIE IS SO SKINNY. hiaz. haha then i took pictures. DAMN CUTE(:

tmrw i dunno what's gna happen. either rachel will come to my house in the MORNING and we'll go for our dental appointments together, or i'll meet her in sch or smth. dunnoooo:D HAHAHA. I REPEAT. she wants to come to my house to play with ME and not the GUINEA PIGS. gosh, who am i kidding:D

i just realised that i'm posting this post exactly 12 h after i posted the last one this morning.
& OINK! ;
8:35 PM

I'm all alone...
At home...
With nothing to do...
No one to keep me company...
No one online...
=.= So emo.

Rachel actually came online yesterday.
Apart from the time she was online on 13th May, that would be the first time she was online in 2 months and 9 days. OHMAN you can sooo telll I'm bored, doing this kind of wu liao de shi qing.
Pfft, but she was only online for 10 min 54 sec on 13th May and online for 5 min 26 sec yesterday. The time decreased by 4 min 28 sec which displays evidence that Rachel's time with MSN will not last very much longer...


This post is the 71st post already. CAN I CHANGE MY BLOG PLEASE.
pfft, I don't care. I'm going to look for a new blogskin now.

oh and don't you think mathilda from s.i. and mrs pandian look similar? It occured to me yesterday. Teeheehee xD
& OINK! ;
8:35 AM

Monday, May 28, 2007

Mrs Pandian and Mathilda. I SEE THE RESEMBLANCE(:
good luck for chinese O's!
& OINK! ;
12:10 PM

Saturday, May 26, 2007

omg omg omg omg omg i ACTUALLY REACHED LEVEL 441!!!! OMG. i hardly EVER get to reach 300 to beat my high score of 350 and then when i got past 350 i was like 'whooot! i'll finally get another high score!' and guess what! I ACTUALLY MANAGED TO CONTINUE UNTIL 441 THEN THE CLOCK AT THE CORNER WENT BERSERK AND OMG.
it's seriously TOO FAST to keep getting any faster liaoz :D

PFFFFFTTTT. two times i was on the way to a GREAT combo!! first time was like above 60 and then i was like..YAY!!! i finally gna beat my high score of 62!!! and GUESS WHAT. then i died before i could actually GET the combo in the first place. PFFT i worked so hard larh, they shld seriously change the rules!! i mean, why must you 'lose' the combo and still be alive to GET the combo? WHY?!!?!? and the second one was EVEN worse ok. I actually got to 75 + floors for my combo, then i was seriously SUPER excited! cos with that kinda combo i was sure to get a lotta points, but then guess what. I DIED. the exact same thing happened. SO IRRITATING.

but i'll consider yesterday's icy tower games quite good. i managed to beat my HIGHEST high score for the floor and the combo! cos of my 66 floor combo. and also, i got 2 'AMAZING' combos in the same game, which enabled me to get 8000 + points. SO DAMN HAPPY, but so damn pissed at the stupid combos which i lost. i guess 'better safe than sorry' seriously applies to icy tower. it's like, if you alr got a super high combo, you'd better already not try to make it any better in case you accidentaly DIE and lose the combo altogether.

PS. if you totally didn't get what i was saying above, go and try icy tower lah.

I thought you liked me. I was wrong. Well, maybe, that is, if I'm making the right conclusion.

If you dunno how to translate what's above, you're just so dumb!:D
& OINK! ;
10:45 AM

Friday, May 25, 2007

yesterday night was the most horrible night i have ever had.
I couldn't exactly sleep at first because my nose kept on getting blocked and i couldn't breathe, then when i FINALLY got to sleep, i woke up again, and i thought that a loooong time had passed and it was probably almost 5 or something, and guess what time it was. 12.15 ok!!!
wahlao then i kept waking up again and again and my throat was bothering me. pfft. whenever i woke up i thought that the clock was about to ring any moment and IT DIDN'T.

haha luckily i survived while carrying home my huge pile of books today. THANK YOU HANNAHHHHHH!!!!!! she actually offered to walk all the way to my house to help me with my books. SUCH A NICE GIRL HANNAH TAN!(:


Sighhh why must ann gooo): so sad larh. my eyes were practically tearing but ann was crying. then mrs thomsett said she needed to compose herself then we took a class photo. SOOOOO SAAAADDDDDDD!!!!! :'(

hiaz. oh well i'm halfway writing xuan's b'day card...yucks. i bet she'll be SOOOO disgusted with my ugly writing):

today i had to make an ANNOUNCEMENT in front of all the sec 1s. SOOO EMBARRASSING.
cos after we left the sports complex then...
mrs pandian: siyan! siyan! SIYAN!
me: huh? what? oh.
mrs p: so have you found out about the sec 1s who didn't sign up for the GB dinner?
me: err.
mrs p: have you CONTACTED THEM?
me: oh..not yet.
mrs p: AIYO. why haven't you?
me: i'll do it today.
mrs p: later you make an announcement.
me: what! ME?
mrs p: yes! yoU! ask those who didn't sign up for the dinner to meet you! after the presentations.
me: MEEEE?????!?!?!??!
mrs p: of course you la! what's wrong.
me: harh...ok lorh.

lol i got cold feet so i asked rachel to accompany me to make the announcement. so embarrassing! we were like standing there at one side while ms sim was talking about going to dismiss them..and we were like 'er er er'. then rachel told ms sim that we wanted to make an announcement. then i had to speak into the michrophone and i was sooo scared. what's wrong with me!!! i kept staring at the scrap of paper and not even looking up-_-



- Audie Wong
- Nicole Thio
- Grace Loke
& OINK! ;
5:50 PM

Thursday, May 24, 2007

stupid! I caught my sister's cold):
stuuuupiiiddd throat is hurting like xiao and my nose is totally blocked and you should have seen the way i read the stupid chinese passage just now during tuition. 'neng' became 'neghhhh'. super hard lah. ouch ouch ouch): *cough* i just hope my voice won't go like really high and squeaky like weiyi's did during her sore throat(: HAHAHA that was funny..sorries weiyi!

today's labrador park thing was both hawwwt and useless. I mean why must they make us undergo that torture! it was soooo hot and there were too many mosquitos. But at least our guide was better than "aunty, carrie me!" seriously her jokes are SO LAME. this guide was a guy..kind of boring maybe? i was hoping to get the ang mohs they are so much nicer i believe. but he wasn't that bad and we got to see squirrels!:)

the tunnels were super scary lorhs. it was like pitch black and halfway some girls started screaming which influenced a lot of other people to start screaming as well. wahlaoeh! at least the first tunnel was air conditioned :D

OMG i only just remembered in school today that tmrw is xuan's birthday. and nicole, grace loke and audie's birthday ALSO. haha so coincidental :D but what i can't believe i forgot):

all my books are still in school. it'll be the ultimate torture carrying all those books home tomorrow): maybe i shld bring my school bag..SIGHS.

& OINK! ;
4:15 PM

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

PFFT nobody tagged): yesterday, that is.

Well, I'll say today's project presentation went rather badly.

1. We were right after the SBC classes so it made our presentation look really lousy as compared to their fantastic skits in their presentation.

2. We were unprepared so we kept on fumbling.

3. The colour was really bad so we, at times, had to read off the screen and we kept stumbling here and there and everywhere):

Sigh. OH WELL, as predicted, the SBClasses got chosen to present on friday blablabla. Good thing too, their's was, by far, the best.

Tomorrow will be a day of fun!!! WHEE! No project to worry about...No notes to take...This is heaven! Labrador park..I just hope there won't be so many mosquitoes.

today was flag day. On monday ms ng passed by me and asked me to tell the sec 1s about flag day, so on tuesday, I planned to call every single one of them up and tell them, but after calling the 4th person, I was soooooo super duper lazy that I didn't bother so I decided: I'll just send them an sms later!

oh jolly whee I forgot as i was so engrossed in the school mag [which my sis FINALLY GOT]. Hmph, pri sch get so late.

So i was so engrossed that I forgot until it was 11pm, then I suddenly rmb! SO i jumped out of bed and quickly sent a mass sms. But as expected, I don't think anyone got it in time. Everyone might be asleep? SIGH. Then today there was an ANNOUNCEMENT about it so WHAAAAA! i had no reason to send out an sms. stupid.

So we had to do 1 sec 4+2 sec 1s.

"sec 4s, pls go and partner with 2 sec 1s!"

then kelly kow wanted to partner me so me her and jeru partnered and we went to collect donations! WHEE! i thought it'd be fun, but anyway, they donated, but they DIDN'T WANT THE DAMN STICKER. i must say it's a totally dif attitude than the pri sch 2 years ago): They simply loved the sticker. LOL.

So it looked so unimpressive cos we gave out so few stickers. And i wanted one, but kelly insisted that i must donate...but id idn't want to. Then i saw ty that her whole sticker sheet was like..half empty!!! Then i was complaining that no one wanted to get the sticker. BUT PEOPLE STILL DONATED OKAY! HMPH. Then she was like "you want one?" then i was like "yes!" then she peeled one off and tried to jam it on my head-.- lucky i ducked.

yepp so that's flag day!!! whoo i thought the sec 4s had to do it in the PUBLIC or smth. lucky them that they don't have to(:

eh i don't understand why the REAL CHINESE O' LEVEL PAPER is on 28th may. i mean it's the REAL THING! then what are they gna do for prelims? HUH?

my new shoes(:
& OINK! ;
5:00 PM

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

today has been a horrible day):
stupid civic district! SO BORING and oh great! the one place we were gonna do the project on was the one place they didn't TAKE US TO.
i gave such a bad evaluation i was too embarrassed to hand it up. Luckily rachel handed it up for me.
and what's up with that woman? why must she treat us like we're 6 year olds?

ohwel so irritating i'm calling like..1/10 of the way to all the gb sec 1s..
oh maybe i shld just sms?
i'm too lazy for this.

okok i'm gng do the project>.so lazy my stupid project will probably fail so sorrie rachel & weiyi):>
& OINK! ;
8:15 PM

Sunday, May 20, 2007

5 words, I don't feel like blogging.
Unless you count the contraction as 2 words, then it's 6 words! hah whatever.

Yesterday my job was the most comfortable, most slack etc. SO FUN MAN, i just got to sit on the sofa and sleep. Except when they show vid clips then sometimes we had to move all the sofa stuff and table onto the stage for the panel. And then when they did so, THEY STOLE OUR SOFAS so we had to stand and we were like SO TIRED):
heh and i kept on complaining like crazy. oh well.
and yi xuan dressed up as a huge panda. SO CUTE(:

So yup since my job was both boring and fun...like i didn't get to do anything but yet i got to sleep, it was not exactly a very successful service project for me but who cares, i get the badge! [lol what a bad attitude]

so today had church blahblahblah turns out we had to wear white but the 'SI sisters' didn't know. so yep i was like yellow in the midst of all the white but xuan was worse cos hers was dark green(: so i borrowed nicolette's jacket and xuan borrowed a shirt. HAHAHA for the kings kids thing yeah! AHH xuan was SOOO CUTE!!! "a shephered is someone who keeps sheep!" SO CUTE and she said that when she was like..4? OMGGGGG.

anyway i started reading harry potter from book 1 again! WHOOOO. haha crazy man.

ohwell i still haven't done my art!): what do i tell mr ong? "oh your pigeon hole was too full! i couldn't seem to fit in my work!" but i can't even finish it today and i cheated anyway(: HEHE.
& OINK! ;
9:35 PM

Thursday, May 17, 2007

it is so unfair!
yesterday my sis HAD to use the comp from 2pm to 6pm, 4 hours straight.
and the moment she lets me use it, the internet stops working.

Oh well, i had initially dedicated yesterday to doing my art, but in the end, i decided to watch harry potter instead:D OMG! harry potter is SO CUTE in the first movie when his voice is all high and squeaky and not broken. and ron is so cute also. even malfoy. GOSH. their high voices are so nice(: and he has huge eyes now i realise. the glasses make them look kinda smal tho. ahh, but they don't even follow the book. So i feel sorry for those people who watch and don't read. Even sorrier for those who aren't allowed to watch or read.):

HEH. i finished the 6th book, so sad larh. As in, i alr read it before anyway, but the thing is, now i've got nothing nice to read unless i start from book 1 all over again-.-"
you know the book is so nice that my favourite time is lying in bed and reading it. I look forward to that like TREMENDOUSLY(:

now I remember this conversation, but first, let's recap!
father: do you know that gillian's sis teaches in mgs?
me: oh really? who? what's her name?
gillian: gloria chong.
me: ohmygosh ohmygosh OHMYGOSH! SHE TEACHES ME! OMGOMGOMG ---runs off to sms ppl---

LOL. so you can see i was like 100% shocked to hear that...but another thing anyway.

me: cheche, you know my trainee teacher? yeah she's gillian's sister you know. so freaky.
cheche: oh you mean gloria?
cheche: yeah we used to play together when we were younger.

gosh this is too tough. so sad tho, ms chong isn't here anymore): but her name is still on the pigeon hole. LOL.

my hair pleating skills have definitely worsened just when i thought they were getting better): oh and now we have nice smelling shampoo LOL.

today we got scolded...well rather the people who didn't hand up their forms got scolded in our presence, and it was more of a warning to us): wahlao eh! they didn't even HAVE the consent form and that day mrs pandian came looking for me i had to stay back until 2.30 to wait for the SBC girls to finish, and someof them just disappeared after school): SIGH. mrs yee is getting more..fierce. she didn't use to be like this until she came back from wherever she was studying before. Mrs caryn ong is sooooo much nicer(: lol ok i know i shldn't be talking abt mrs yee on my blog. HAH. sigh.

er. today mrs kuan wasn't here, so horribly evil mrs lee took us for a while. She made us run 2 rounds [fine it doesn't seem so much] and made me do 20 push ups cos my shirt had become untucked after running, and she scolded me a lot for having my laces too loose. HORRIBLE

then we played jacobs ladder with all the sbc girls...and anyway. we were quite evenly matched. except the 'practice game', i managed to step on almost everyone. and i was like sooo horrified that i was sighing and SIGHHHHH i stepped on almost everyone okay! gosh they must've died.

but anyway, then we played 2 more rounds, the first one, it seemed as though me and ernie had tied, but then mrs lee said that i won?? which is weird. then the 2nd round we tied. haha so weird. it's like the last person [me and ernie] would be running as fast as we could and everyone would be cheering, then we would finish at exactly the same time and sit down at exactly the same time. then everyone would be like 'huh? who won?'

lol then we played benchball with 2 balls, 3 classes, 3 benches. anyway, when i was playing, suddenly everyone except me and huimin started neglecting one of the balls!!! So it's like. 5 1T girls and 5 1G girls versus 2 1M girls): ehh. anyway, i seriously couldn't tell who was from 1T and 1G because i only identify them as 'sbc girls' whenever i see them-_- i seriously dunno who is in which class.

oh well, i alr did my art halfway, but i kind of cheated for it. I HATE PAINTING. that's why i cheated. hope it looks real(:
& OINK! ;
5:15 PM

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

ha! I told you that you'd be groaning!

today was interhouse basketball, even though I didn't know it was until after school.
After life sciences, we were going back to class, then suddenly, sau just came CHARGING UP to me and she was like "siyan siyan SIYAN SIYAN SIYAN!!!!!!"
hahaha. I was kind of confused. Then she started blabbering: today is interhouse basketball! today is interhouse basketball! did you know? DID YOU KNOW?
LOL. I didn't even bring my PE shirt, so i borrowed one from her nice-smelling friend...seriously, her "sweaty" pe shirt actualy smelled nice. LOL. EW.
but in the end sau lent me the one she was gonna buy with her mum. yay.

so we stayed back and i ate hello panda double choco in her class! given to me by my angel, dunno who it is tho. Then i was talking on the phone with my sis to tell her i wasn't gonna be home for lunch, and sau was ohsofrantic and she kept saying: siyan stop walking around the class! you want a prefect to book you is it?

lol, anyway...i discovered that we are allowed to change in class. And i was throwing stuff at the fan with sau's friend. hah.

so then we went down for the game, and to our greatest and utmost horror, apparently no one from our team turned up. So mrs kuan let us play with the jackson and blackmore team. After their game, just for a friendly match. She put me in Jackson, cos they were losing and she said "they needed someone TALL". lol. wow i'm flattered, then sau was put in blackmore.

Yup, so MY TEAM WON! WHOOOOOT. and i actually scored like 5 goals! so embarrassing. Cos that prefect in sec 3 passed the ball to me, and gestured me to shoot, then i said; no! i can't shoot!
then she said, nvm just try lah!
so i tried then it went in -_- DIAOOO.

And she was like: pass it to the olson girl! pass it to the olson girl!
jackson girl: who is the olson girl?
me: er, that would be me.
jackson girl: oh.
then she passed it to me.
jackson prefect: sorrieee i dunno your name.

lol, anyway, my team wonnnn!!! haha yay. then we will get cca points sucks for everyone who didn't turn up(:

then me and sau were hanging around in my class, doing a mixture of drill, 'check bangs', and singing songs from phantom of the opera. -.-TOTALLY GOING HIGH.

yep then we oh-so-tiredly trudged home and went to the petrA station(: and bought drinks which were on sale. let's see, it was 1.60 for 2 bottles instead of the usual 1.20 each. So that's 80/240 % off..which is...? 1/3 off! WHOOOOAAAA. haha that's cool.

yay!basketball is fun.
& OINK! ;
5:40 PM

Monday, May 14, 2007

this is pigs 60th post! WHOOT, this calls for another changing of the blog(:
hahaha(: that was a prediction. I know you must've been groaning when you saw that :D

anyway, today i saw shernice, my sister's friend from mgs last time, playing keyboard for chapel when the ACJC ppl came to our sch to do chapel worship(: i didn't know she could. haha.

lol. sighs.
my stupid speakers don't work. i alr almost broke my back trying to find the wires connected which are all on the floor-_- HIAZ.

Er. Nothing much happened today though:D
so. more random stuff?
nawwh can't think of any at the moment.

oh yeah i didn't blog abt yesterday horh. so anyway, yesterday was sunday right? And dunno what lah, my father wasn't exactly available to teach sunday school, so I had to teach the pri 2s sunday school!
I know what you must be thinking. yan, a 13 year old, teaching 8 year olds SUNDAY SCHOOL?
haha NOOOOO. We combined the pri 1s and 2s together, so then jiejie taught them and i was supposedly supposed to also 'teach' them. but i was more like a helper.
after that terrifying experience, I can solemnly swear that i will never help out in the pri 2 sunday school ever again.
ohmygooodiiness. zacheriah[yes, pastor wilfred's son], theon[the one who digs his ears, says 'ta da!' and shows me ear wax] and bryan [the one who draws mostaches and boobs on the ladies in the picture].
yeah. YUCK.

seriously, they were talking talking talking talking talking and half the time my sis had to say BOYS KEEP QUIET.
hmphh, so irritating):

omg! ruth doesn't know what a badger is! lol.
"is a badger a kind of BADGE?"
lol ruth so funny.


I didn't do it because I didn't want to add to MY TEACHER'S already heavy workload.

I made a paper plane out of it and it got hijacked.

I put it in a safe, but lost the combination.

Some aliens from outer space borrowed it so they could study how the human brain worked.

I loaned it to a friend, but he suddenly moved away.

I left it in my shirt and my mother put the shirt for washing.

My little sister ate it.

A sudden wind blew it out of my hand and I never saw it again.

I was kidnapped by terrorists and they only just let me go, so I didn't have time to do it.

The lights in our house went out, and I had to burn it to get enough light to see the fuse box.

Another pupil fell in a lake, and I jumped in to rescue him but unfortunately my homework

I used it to fill a hole in my shoe, you wouldn't want it now.

My father had a nervous breakdown and he cut it up to make paper dolls.

I didn't do it, because I didn't want the other kids in the class to look bad.
& OINK! ;
5:15 PM

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Every night I go to sleep in fear of what will appear in my dreams. (IE, me going to jail for murdering guinea pigs =x)

After reading Harry Potter though, his dreams are supposedly worse i guess. HAHA, but those aren't real, it's just a book.

almost finished order of the phoenix, i read it like long ago this year before but then I've alr forgotten that sirius DIED))': i am SO SUPER DUPER SAD!!! SIGH. why must the ppl in the book always die.

so anyway, yesterday i walked to sabina's house and got a lift frm her mum((: then we went to ngee an poly for that briefing thing, and found out we're actually on DUTY. i actually thought we were attending the course-.- turns out, we're actually on duty.
okay someone remind me agian, why was i so friggin stupid for volunteering to be a stage manager! i mean, c'mon, that thing is like so stressful. I dread what happens if we forget to unmute the michrophone and the speaker has NO SOUND coming out of it! SIGH. and why was i so dumb to appoint dear jeru, and not janelle! She was all...hmphh! you didn't choose me! [cos she got stuck with logistics with _____] and then jeru was like: omg! This job is so stressful(and gives me a distressed look). HAHA.

Janelle was like: Siyan!!! i dun like you!
me: whyyyy!!!
but then we got to do our duties together!
someone: so janelle what are you doing?
her: I'M GOING TO BE WITH SIYANNNN!!!!(puts her arm around me)
me: haha I thought you didn't like me!
janelle: YES! I DON'T LIKE YOU! HMPH. (slaps me really hard)
me: tsk tsk. so fickle minded.

and that whole procedure up there, would repeat like..100000 times.
fickle minded much! : D

anyway, then we had to do a STUPID banana dance...just cos we got to super man. first i lost to cassie when i was still an egg, then i won caroline, and then I won grace so i became a super man!! but no one went up front first, so i didn't wanna embarrasse myself..-.- so i just waited until cassie started charging up front, then i went^_^ apparently, all the gb girls got to superman but we had to do a stupid banana dance.

then we got briefed blahblahblah.
that woman's pronunciation ah!!!
leader becomes lidder.
leave becomes live.
and etc...LOL.

that mr martin guy is...so...DIAOOOO.

anyway, me and jeru are with harry goh??? dunno who he is cos he wasn't there. but guess what his email add was? gohharrygoh@smthsmthsmth....

OHGOSH. lol. that's funny.

i just hope i don't screw up on that day.

oh and BY THE WAY, I GET TO WEAR jeans!
ghahaha. be jealous!
and i need to borrow a blue gb t-shirt from yuen min, seeing that almost no one else would have my size-_- LOL.

quite a fun time i had last night. except joy and cassie kept saying: siyan arh, come come i tell you something. You know arh, 3 of you keep looking back at those guys right? I tell you, one fine day, you'll be in a mixed school, and that's when you'll regret it the MOST that you aren't in an all girls school, so please, treasure and enjoy your time in an all girls school and don't keep staring at those boys!
me: ERRRR-___-


ghahahha. oh well, wish me luck man!! cool, stage manager but anyway, i won't look as cool as stage managers in the movies :D with the mikes attached to their heads and you know..LOL.
& OINK! ;
12:35 PM

Thursday, May 10, 2007

SIGH. I keep on having nightmares about how I kill my sister's guinea pigs.


About 2 months ago... I dreamt that winnie got soaked to the skin, and then all her skin and came off, and she ended up looking like those huge fish which are orange. like a huge goldfish and i was SO FREAKED OUT cos i turned her into a FISH. how can a guinea pig become a fish!

On tuesday night, I dreamt that winnie jumped off the bench in my house and landed on the grass, when i was just sitting over there. So technically, it was my fault that she jumped, cos I didn't stop her!!! anyway, then she landed on the grass and her head came off, and instead of blood, it was some blue silvery stuff that came out of her neck. *SHUDDERS* then magically, she came back to life! so during my dream, i assumed that i had dreamt that she jumped off and died.

I was sleeping right? So I dreamt that I turned Winnie into a fish. I HAVE NO IDEA HOW THAT HAPPENED, but quite a pretty fish. but a DYING FISH. then in the end dunno. I think she died. Then i dreamt that I was at some market place, when this LECHER GUY came and kept standing next to me, talking on his phone. The suspicious me kept moving away going somewhere else, but he kept on following me. Then EWWWW. He started touching me and saying all kinds of gross stuff that I shall not mention here. So i RAN for it and then he was like:I know girls can't resist their pets!
then he started taking piglet, the 2nd guinea pig, as a hostage!!! And I was like screaming my ass off cos seriously, piglet is like. I LOVE HIM!(: Then somehow piglet got out of his cage, and was running everywhere. And in the end, trying to save him, i consciously stabbed piglet. SIGH, seriously, i felt like crying my head off. I seriously KNEW i was stabbing him, but actually, I dunno why I did it. It's like, i wanted to 'kill' him before the lecher got to. But anyway, i was really scared and stuff. And then i rmb telling somebody: PLEASE LET ME GO!!! CAN'T YOU SEE THAT PIGLET IS DYING. I NEED TO BRING HIM TO THE VET!
But that person wouldn't listen and all...

seriously, I feel like crying after all these scary dreams. THOSE GUINEA PIGS ARE FRIGGIN' CUTE AND I HONESTLY DREAD THE DAY THEY DIE. I may even cry more than my younger sis. SIGGHHH. I'm totally freakin' out.

Sigh, rachel!!! Poor thing, she has to keep taking phone calls from ____ almost everyday and all those phone calls are like..."do you know I was so upset today with you!" " Do you know how mean you were today!" and when rachel doesn't say anything, she'll belike "WELL?! aren't you going to comfort me?" DIAOOOOO. poor rachel, then just now iw as talking to her on the phone.
and she was like: ehh can i just ask HER to call you instead?
me: WHAAAT! NOOO WAYY! i really dunno how to answer!

anyway, today rachel was like so enthu and going high during recess.
rachel: poomm!!! blahh blooooo pallalaa plooom flee fahh foom!!!
me: sorrie rachel, i don't get your language.
rachel: of course you don't! No one knows except me!
me: what! I alr know how to speak it! blahdlkasdfasldnvlasdknfldkn!!!
racheL: whaaaaat...

Then she offered, ONCE AGAIN, to pour the tamtam down my mouth, I obviously politely refused. LOL. oh yeah, she still owes me like..er. $3 for the pen, 10+20 cents for the milo and jotter book. So..that's $3.30!!! yepp. anyway rachel, GOOD LUCK TALKING TO _____.
she wanted to buy the jotter book so that we can write to each other. and i was like, doesn't the book made a huge poom sound when it lands on the ground, rather than a piece of paper? then she said: no lah!!! when we throw it to each other, then you can clap together like when you catch a disket!!! like WHO CATCHES CDs LIKE THAT? lol.

pfft. the class partayye was cancelled): poor ms chong! NO FAREWELL FOR HER): oh well, i think i'm going to give the card i bought for my mum to her-.- sigh. Maybe i'll buy another one for my mum? haha so embarrassing!!!((: so sad tho, i'm gonna miss miss chong! lol, two 'miss' in a row(:
& OINK! ;
5:38 AM

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

we got our report card today. i must say i did so freakin' badly.
sigh, i don't know what my parents are gonna say, imagine the look on their faces when they see that i get below average for everything except maths and english? Seriously, literature, biology and history are all 90+% higher scores than me. Sigh, I'm really worried.
And they are going to thrash me for my F9 in art, although mr ong says he might alter our grade if we do hand up the 'never hand up' assignments. Sigh, i really seriously loath painting.

At least my conduct is Very Good (whose isn't?) and my remarks are short and sweet. Siyan is a sensible and mature girl. Ah, what rubbish(: (they should add 'modest!')

Miss Chong and Ms Shaddick are leaving on friday, so we are throwing them a partayye tomorrow!!! I don't think i'm going to bring anything. but what if, the horror! no one brings anything! What if everyone thought like me! Ah.

Somehow, all those youtube videos i tried to post didn't get posted): Oh well.

I shall go and prepare myself for doom today.

No gb to cheer me up)):

My bio exam, i JUST PASSED. If no one failed in my class, that means I would get the lowest in the whole class. Unless someone got VERY FEW MARKS lower than me. Sigh, this will definitely kick me out of special. Maybe there will be less stress? Sighs.
At least my Physics, I did pretty well. 49.5/60! that certainly cheered me up loads after my horrific bio exam marks. It's like, physics is 82% and bio is 50+%?? SIGH.
& OINK! ;
3:55 PM

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

sigh, today was too hectic.

after school we had to stay back because we were "getting back our exam papers!!!"
whoa, we didn't even get it back! we just merely went through the whole exam paper.
so I was stuck there worrying about my violin lesson.

cos initially, it was supposed to end at 4.30, then i'd meet my maid at yarwood and she'd pass me my violin, but good! it ended at 4.15 around there, so i went with petra, got my violin frm my maid and then we both took a 67!

that stupid 54 took FOREVER to come. and then when it came, the moment i got on the bus i got a HUGE SHOCk. it's like SOOOOO POSH!!!(: well, it looks more like a bar. the walls were red, and the seats were like the soft sofa kind. white colour. and then there were these two ROUND CHAIRS. the cute kind, the tall kind!!! and then there were 3 huge round chairs but more of the sofa kind, the first two were plasticky. SO COOOLLLLL!!!! Omg! I LOVE THAT BUS.

oh well. today was blazing hawwwt): i almost melted in the bus stop at mrt station):
GHAHAHA. I'm SOOO addicted to harry potter. that order of the phoenix book is too thick. it's like..7cm wide? WHOA(: read it! it's nice! too bad some parents don't allow their kids to read...
& OINK! ;
8:00 PM

Monday, May 07, 2007

yesterday the akha people came over to our house for dinner!(: and also the youths/adults from church who went to akha, including melody, yihui, emily, sara and gillian.


father: do you know that her[gillian] sister teaches at mgs?
me: OHH REALLY? what's her name?
gillian: gloria chong.
me: OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSH! she's teaching me now! oh gooosssshhhhhhhh.

i can't believe miss chong's sister is GILLIAN i mean i never knew that and i'm still kinda...thinking weirdly about it. thatmeans her dad is reverand chong!!! GOSH. I never noticed that they look kind of alike.

OOMMMMMGGGGGGGG. lol. stil can't believe it.

so yup, we had fun. althoughi feel kinda guilty for not interacting with the akha tribe ppl):

and then yihui was so fascinated by my violin-.-

err okies. i'm like in the midst of doing tuition work. so luck lao shi is coming latER today!((:

today was sec 4 chinese paper. so yup, gd luck for that. but it's alr over-.- oh well. sam, don't be so stressed!((:
& OINK! ;
3:15 PM

Saturday, May 05, 2007



chatting with her now.

lala~! not much to blog about.

so..tomorow akha ppl comin over for dinner! ahh i MUST go tidy my room :x

-_- i shall go watch prince of tennis(:
& OINK! ;
2:15 PM

Friday, May 04, 2007

i can't believe i actually survived project work! It's impossible. We didn't even DO the work in the first place and i was nearly in tears, so we did it DURING lesson time without ms ng noticing and then we printed it. And she was actually HAPPY. oh and we took copyrighted pages of books! :x badddd. And last night like a lot of people from my class were still online at 11 trying to do the PW, i tried, but in the end i gave up):

Oh well. for once, this is the first lesson ms ng has not scolded my group! AMAZING.

okies. So...today was like okay i guess, i lost my gel file and so did zoe. i wonder who is the THIEF >:)

ahh nothing to blog about! i really should do the ____ thing, but i'd rather watch prince of tennis. so exciting!
& OINK! ;
3:45 PM

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Learning ting xie for tuition now!

hmm lets see..I am going to die! My parents are going to skin me alive. I got like F9 for ART and SOCIAL STUDIES. Because? not like i'm lousy at those subs, it's cos i didn't hand up my ss assignment [like 10 people didn't] and half my art assignments [like so many people got F9]. but that's not gonna be an excuse my parents will tolerate. sighs.

today i stupidly brought all my swimming stuff and in the end, no one brought, and we're not starting swimming until JULY. oh well, good then. i'm sooo not really looking forward to swimming PE. instead, today we played indoor games! which was kinda fun, altho it was real sweaty.

haha nothing to blog about.

sec 4s, gd luck for ur mid years! lala~ study study study. LOL. i did so darn badly in almost everything. apart from like the 2 A2s and 1 A1, the rest are all like B3 or B4. or F9, but nothing in between that. haha.
& OINK! ;
3:45 PM

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


i'm so darn bored at home. heh(:

so yesterday i watched KANGEROO JACK with my siblings and we were laughing like crazy it was far too funny. Like when the guy thought that the girl was just an illusion, so he touched her boob and said 'but they feel so real...' that was hilarious!!!(:

congratulate me, i got F9 for art! whoo, a lot of people did, cos they didn't hand in their assignments (just like me). Oh wells, I was never destined to be an artist whatsoever.

I don't get why i always visit ____'s and _____'s blog. One is sooo evil! never visit my blog! yes it's you stacey. LOL((: &the other, who shall remain nameless at the moment, doesn't really care whether i tag or not. HAHAHA i'm never in a million years telling anyone. you prolly don't even KNOW him/her in the first place.

lalala~ I'm sitting next to some doritos! MMMMMS.

oh well, i'll dedicate this after noon to make the ___ ___ for ___ ___. haha so obviously no one knows what i'm talking about(:

oh and today we got our life science teacher. the moment i looked into her face, I almost 'screamed' because it's sooo scary. haha she looks as if she wants to KILL. but she didn't scold anyone. And anyway, she didn't even tell us her name. the moment she came into the class she just said 'take your pencil box and go to the lab!'
then at the end of the lesson, she was like: okay you can go.
us: goodbye miss...sus...errrr. what's her name.
she: okk you can go!
us: HUH.

lol up til now we still dunno what her name is! oh well, hope to find out in the near future! *life science seems really boring*
& OINK! ;
3:20 PM

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


yesterday morning, I was pinning on my school badge, and that thing where you insert the pin was totally bent, after being squashed in my wallet for 3 days.
SO as i was trying to bend it back, the stupid pin needle RAMMED INTO MY FINGER. it went right into my left index finger.and i had to pull it out. and then it wa slike a hole with blood ooozing out. it felt like an injection, and the area around it is still sore. and whats more, i can't play the guitar! NOOOO.

luckily today got no violin^_^ LABOUR DAY! whoot i love holidays.

wahlao, you call that seigaku's biggest crisis?! It's not as if they entered a match and lost or something, sigh, stupid inui, I WANT MOMO-CHAN BACK ON THE TEAM. stupid inui, i hate data tennis! i believe it's really horrible to use someone's data against them. IT MAKES IT UN-FUN ALREADY! I WANT MOMO-CHAN. ahhhhs.

i just realised how taka-san is soooo cute when he's not playing tennis, esp when he's a little boy!(:

i'm so bored, don't even have any work to do. except art, which currently, i'm too lazy to do :D

happy labour day, though i don't get why we aren't doing any labour.
& OINK! ;
12:30 PM

Monday, April 30, 2007

yesterday, on msn, dear tangteewhy made a lame joke! here that? it's LAME, not funny. hehe.

[05:00:01 PM] teewhy. : I HAVE TO SAY THIS

[05:00:05 PM] teewhy. : cos i think it's damn funny

[05:00:05 PM] yan is deter: OKAY

[05:00:09 PM] yan is deter: ohdear

[05:00:11 PM] yan is deter: is it something bad


[05:00:23 PM] teewhy. : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

[05:00:24 PM] teewhy. :

[05:00:34 PM] yan is deter: NO I WAS NOOOOOTTT><

[05:00:44 PM] teewhy. : AHAHHH. liar

[05:00:50 PM] teewhy. : anw. go back to your pot

[05:00:52 PM] teewhy. : although

[05:00:52 PM] yan is deter: i didn't fall down like that!!!!

[05:00:54 PM] yan is deter: hmphhh

[05:00:56 PM] teewhy. : echizen will obvs win

[05:00:58 PM] yan is deter: I KNOW

[05:00:58 PM] teewhy. : hehh

[05:01:00 PM] yan is deter: I KNOOOOWWW

[05:01:05 PM] teewhy. : besides

[05:01:07 PM] teewhy. : i hate akutsu

[05:01:09 PM] yan is deter: stooopid they go and stretch the stupid match

[05:01:09 PM] teewhy. : he's so FUGLY

ahh..prince of tennis discussions!(: echizen won won won! akutsu quit quit quit! IRRITATING GUY. rachel said it's coming on TV! OMG! haha no way man, if it's dubbed i will so not watch it. i have youtube or animeepisodes! whee!

today we got a new chem teacher. on the outside, HE seems really serious/boring. but he doesn't seem to mind our rude/stupid questions(mr lim, how old are you?!)
him: if you can guess my age, we won't have lesson today. [it was a DOUBLE PERIOD!]
him: oh and you only get 1 guess!
me: oh you mean 1 guess per girl!!!!

so not, in the end we didn't guess. and learnt about bunsen burners.
then he started walking around the whole class and asking us questions. he seems very interested whether anyone is not a singaporean-.-
him: are you singaporean?
me: err yup.
him: what's your height?
me: [whaat] 170.

ok so i lied. i'm 169.5. BIG DEAL.

oh well, tuition later.


lala~ I'm bored.

TOMORROW'S A HOLIDAYYY!! that means completing my art assignments. sigh.
our class prefects!:


as expected, the old mgs girls who were nominated obvs got thru. but anyway, i was hoping tanhong and melissa would be prefects. they're the prefectish kind. though in different ways. I think old mgs girls would have higher chance, being known by other classes as well.
oh well, i'd definitely vote for them next year!(:
& OINK! ;
3:30 PM

Sunday, April 29, 2007

since nothing much happened today, i shall be posting random stuff(:

About a month ago, xuan came back from choir or something. And then yue was holding her guinea pig, and knowing xuan's dislike of them, she shoved it into her face.
Xuan stumbled to the right and then she sort of stared at the ground for a long while, as if there was something strange. Then suddenly she said, "Oh yue look what you made me do! i stepped on a frog!" Then we both yelled and ran away saying 'eww eww is the frog like...FLAT or something?" then xuan was like: no it hopped away. And we were so confused and haha it was so funny when she said " look what you made me do!" hehe.

During my exam, I wanted to move back, so i sort of slided my chair, and then this really LOUD screeching noise filled the classroom and i was so embarrassed cos the teacher was staring at me.

My ankle is better:D

Er, today some ahka ppl came and they were wearing these cool costumes and i wanted to see them DANCE but noooo, they had to go for LS! ahha.

PRINCE OF TENNIS IS SO ADDICTIVE. that STUPID match between akutsu and echizen is stretched over so many episodes that I can't stop watching it. it's too addictive. AHHS. Haha my sis just said that you can skip everything, you just need to know who wins and who loses. OBVIOUSLY echizen will win. YUCKS that akutsu is super irritating, i can't stand him, he's so scary and EVIL.

Sigh, actually i had a lotta random stuff to post, but i've forgotten them alr): eww why is my brother watching kim possible?

Last sunday elizabeth came up to me and xuan and asked: xuan, do you have FBTs?
me: yeah she does.
me: i don't have i don't have!
Then she dragged me off to nat and said: SHE DOESN'T HAVE FBTS! who says everyone has to have? ahhhs.
me: but i'm planning to buy.
she: whaaattt!!! why does everyone want fbts!
me: you mean you don't?
she: SO NOT.


today, in church when i approached melody and stood next to her, she was like: hello taller than me friend! lol. she's so crushed cos she's like 6 years older than me but still shorter by like 3cm. haha. oh and i drew this free hand btw, i'm so proud of myself(: haha just joking, so here it is:

okies i have some stooooopid tuition work to do, but i'm far too lazy.
so going to watch prince of tennis to FINISH THAT MATCH between echizen and horrible akutsu. IN YOUR FACE AKUTSU! YOU LOSE! whooot(:
& OINK! ;
4:20 PM

Saturday, April 28, 2007

sigh, i'm super lazy to blog :D

So on friday we had exam+exam = 2 exams :D
i will so pass my maths.

Bio was so hard, so stupid the question. First they name the process, then they ask you what the process is! what the. But in the end it wasn't it anyway, so stupid, i dint even study properly. and i only started studying PROPERLY on thursday.

physics was quite okay for me. Probably easy for idiots. *pause here to figure out what i just said*

after exam, then we went for RACHEL'S BIRTHDAY PARTAAAYYYEE!!!
9 of us, angie, charlotte, grace, janelle, kelley, rachel, ruth, sabina and me went to sabina's house to change. I did bring clothes but i was too lazy to change :D

Then we left and discovered it was raining! So me, charlotte and janelle squeezed under one small tiny umbrella [it was kelley's, what do you expect!] Ruth and angie covered themselves in ruth's jacket(: haha.

So we took a long bus ride to jurong east and we walked in the mud! until rachel's shoe turned yucky brown. And i offered to spray it with water, but she just said that 'the colour is super nice!' She and her weird mind.

So we went to eat at the japanese cuisine which, for me, was super ex. but for others, cheap. hmph. it's not value for money or whatever it's called. I accidentaly left my waterbottle there.

Then we went to fuji ice palace, and bought gloves. Then the glove seller guy told me that i had to change. And charlotte also, because we were wearing school uniform.

After much confusion, we finally bought our entry tickets. And got our skates! i didn't change cos the skater renter guy, who looked mysteriously like a woman, didn't say anything. So i skated half way and then the lady told me i had to wear a jacket over or change. So i went to change. It was seriously too hawt to wear a jacket :D tho charlotte was freezing.

so blahblahblah skateskateskate. HAHA grace suddenly got stuck in the middle and was too scared to move, so she was yelling for us to go and 'rescue' her. lol. so cute. haha.

so it was so fun, but some ppl were like 'one more round! one more round!' and it became 10 more rounds.

Audie came halfway and she had to enter with some other people for the sake of saving money. Sigh, she had a stupid sbc dunno whut briefing thing? Hmm. SBC seems stressful.

SUPER FUN :D then we took neoprints, and ruth go and square her face and put a big word 'RUTH' down there. we cancelled it :D haha it would be kinda weird to get a neoprint that says 'ruth' when it's us keeping it. but i dint get to decorate at all cos ruth rachel kel and a lot of ppl were hogging it, so me charlotte grace angie and audie went to look at other machines while the others happily were in their own little world, or rather, machine.

yup, then i went back to the japanese cuisine place to get my bottle, it was standing on top of the DUSTBIN okay. well, it's the kinda dustbin at Mcdonalds so it shld be okay. I just took it.

Then the worst part, me, grace, sabina, ruth and kel were supposed to share a cab, so we walked out of the shopping centre and tried to flag one. and we always couldn't cos they were all hired. so we were like 'walk 10m and flag one, and if it fails, walk another 10m'. so we walked walked walked until we ended up crossing the road. Then we kept on walking and walking and we JUST missed the 66! a DIRECT BUS HOME. man...

So we decided to wait, but the bus woudln't come OBVIOUSLY. so in the end sabina called her mum after what seemed like 1/2 h of walking. sighs. it took us super long to get home, we should have taken a BUS from the START! so much cheaper than cabs.

then my mum was a bit annoyed that i got home at 7.3o instead of the promised 6. sigh.

haha i had tons of fun, rachel, i shall give you your present in july! i think. after all, you gave me my present on 9th april when my b'day was on 6th feb :D
& OINK! ;
9:40 PM

Thursday, April 26, 2007


it all happened when me rachel and justina came out from the comp lab and were walking down the staircase to the canteen to eat, even though there was only five minutes left of recess. Then i suddenly missed a step and tumbled down and then i went: OWWWWWWCCCHHH!!!
then rachel and justina went: ohmygoodness are you okay.
apparently rachel thought i was just running down really fast cos she heard a 'boom boom boom boom' [the sound of me falling] so she thought i was taking quick steps-.-
the whole ankle swelled up man. GOOD THING no one else was on the stairs. though shortly after that, some of the thai teachers and students were behind us. ohmy. wouldn't that have been embarrassing!

then in the canteen, i was tryin to finish the crabby crackers thingy. Then rachel tried to pour it down my mouth but it dint work at first.
So i was eating slowly but then the bell rang!
So she said: I know the best way!
then she fiddled with the packet and then she said: open your mouth!
so i did then she just poured EVERYTHING in that packet down my mouth until i almost choked.
and i couldn't talk-.- my mouth was too full. hurhur(:

I've created a new pun for justina's name.

haha. so anyway, the 3 of us did our presentation today abt the stupid speech thingy.
SO STUPID LARHS. i printed it out yesterday and forgot to bring it today. I DID INTEND TO BRING IT. when i got to school then rachel said she dint print it. Then i said: i brought it!
when i searched my bag i couldn't find it then i was omging. And at that moment i remembered exactly where it was. on top of the pile of books on my home desk towards the right.

so when justina came [very late] we printed from her thumb drive, but unfortunately, the school printer has no colour, so we printed it in black and white. justina alr bolded hers, so rachel used a orange highlighter to highlight all her parts, more like just anyhow go and draw over it.
and i used her green pen to draw a box over my part.
argh, i forgot to bring my whole pencil case. SIGH. what a terrible day.

Oh well, we had some lovely thai students! they evidently think of this trip as incredibly important so they prepared a speech to introduce themselves! how nice! I think ppl who aren't singaporeans are very nice. just go to australia or somewhere and they'll say 'good morning' to you even if you've never met them in your life(:
I WANNA SEE THIS SPIRIT IN SINGAPORE! will soooo never happen.

anyway, they were like: good morning, my name is blahbalbahblabha and my hobbies are blabhlabhalbhal.

i think ours were bok, niu and eve. haha. at first i was like, pork, niu[cow]? hahaha i'm so mean =.=

tomorrow we're going ICE SKATING for rachel khoo's b'day partaye for the ctg. cools, but i haven't asked my mum yet and she'll most prolly say no. unless i EMPHASISE that it's after exams etc etc etc.

lala~ no idea whut im doing online when i have science mid years tmrw.
i alr tried reading thru the book but anyway, i still dun get what is radiation, not too sure on what convection is.

& OINK! ;
5:15 PM

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I'm far too lazy to blog : D


oh wells, i didn't have time to get her a present):
But at least me and hannah tan recited this speech to her.
We practiced it a lotta times that morning, but then it turned out all..like we forgot what we were gonna say and it turned out all messy and stuff.

"Dear rachel, we know that today is your birthday, but due to our hectic schedule and billions of homework, we have had insufficient time to go shopping to buy you a present. Hence, you will receive your present late."

Hannah was debating whether to say 'hence' or 'thus'. in the end, she thot 'hence' was better(:

oh wells.
then IMMEDIATELY after school sabina dragged me off to her house and we ran/briskwalked there and back to get the cake. MUD CAKE^_^ and it was half raining and sabina thot she looked dumb walking back to school with a cake. Then she was trying to persuade me to hold it.

SO we went to the canteen and then suddenly rachel ran up and said: ohmygosh! who bought this!
us: errr SURPRIISSSEEE!?????


then we took spoons and dug into the cake to eat cos rachel cut it in a non concentric circle! I mean that totlaly spoils the beauty! haha i have issues with concentric circles. my jiejie says it's smth to do with our family-.- cos fuh siang couldn't understand why we like doing stuff in concentric circles.

haha so anyway she cut it like right across so it was ruined so yeahh then it was a huge mess and we took pics.

okies that was tuesday.

erm today was alrights. mr ong kim fong dint come! so we had 2 whole free periods. yup.

speech thingy tomorrow. i suck at it! and some more got that stupid chinese skit. sighs.
& OINK! ;
8:00 PM

Monday, April 23, 2007


i fell asleep during bio. According to my friends, apparently this is how it went.

me: *zzzz*
mrs lee: oi![to me] you done checking?
me: *zzz...*
mrs lee: HELLOOOOO?
me: *zzz...*
me: *zzz...*
mrs lee: OIIII!!
me: *zz...*
ann: psst. siyan!
me: huhuhuh?[sees mrs lee staring at me] omg! was i sleeping?
ann: YESSS!
mrs lee: you done checking?

omg!!! so embarrassing!


i haven't found a present! DIEDIE it's tommorrow. i'll have to dig something up from my house. SIGHHS...

and i'll have to work on my healthy attitudes. i'm only at attitudes towards self. which is most probably wrong as i don't even understand it. oh wells.
& OINK! ;
2:35 PM

Sunday, April 22, 2007


sorraye, i totally LUV it! it's darn cool, except the first part i got a huge shock when they threw off the cloth and the chandelier almost exploded and the sparks flew and i almost screamed. And when Christine tore off the mask the guy's reaction was really sudden and my heart humped! AHhs. And the songs are oh-so-nice!!!!! lalalla~ super nice, you'll get those tunes stuck in your head for DAYS. AHHHHH. it rocks! And when the phantom was trying to kill raoul it was so scary and then when christine had to make that important decision it was so scary! but that raoul guy is irritating anyway. and whooaaa they have marvelous props! I like the dancer, christine's friend, christine and the prima donna have so much vibrato in their voice that you carnr't even hear the TUNE! but christine's friend, whose name escapes me at the moment, has vibrato in just the nice amount one should have. it's NICE!(: I like think of me! whoot. the phantom is really scary. yup then the props are really cool, it's like they switch off the lights on the stage and 2seconds later, the whole setting has changed. ain't that cooL! and when all of them get so many letters it's really funny...

sorry to those ppl who dint watch it, you don't have to read that whole paragraph on top because you prolly won't understand it anyway:D

& OINK! ;
1:30 PM

Saturday, April 21, 2007


the blister on my foot has become a HOLE. IT'S SO DISGUSTING &IT REALLY HURTS. it's gone bigger, all cos of running, my stupid sock cut into my feet)): SIGHS.

and the cut on my lip ain't getting any better, now it's starting to peel, making it look 'bloody' as huimin said.

WHAT AM I DOING ONLINE. i should be studying for science, i alr read thru the topic of mass and density. halfway thru force and pressure. sigh, i'm really gonna do badly. there's like not a single science exam i've studied for before you know. that's why my marks are really sucky.

oh well, i'm gonna do my healthy attitudes thingy for gb!
& OINK! ;
11:50 AM

Friday, April 20, 2007

Went to KAP with justina, weiyi, rachel and ruth today. Kinda regret it now though, for private reasons.

I'll be going to watch Phantom Of The Opera tomorrow. Thank you sau for giving me the $20 booklet!(: Saves me a ton of trouble. Actually, it saves my parents the trouble because they would be the ones paying for it:D Oh well, the pictures in the booklet programme looks kind of scary. Like those skull headed people and I don't like masks-.- except the shoe 'the mask' is pretty funny!(:

Today we had the maths test, and the first question i didn't exactly understand it.
First it said to evaluate the questions, then put the order of steps A B C D and i dunno, I didn't evaluate it, i only put C B D A or smth like that. It's 4 marks. Some people actually just evaluated it and didn't even put the letters. So they might fail it as it's upon 10. Sigh.

sam! how can you say 13min for running is slow? it's ultra fast.

oh that reminds me.
i ran 2.4 whoooot! not that i like it of course, just that i completed it. whooot! hehehe.
the freaky thing is that me and rachel ran at different times because we were recording for each other, and managed to run the whole thing in exactly the same timing! I can't believe it, that seems kind of freaky. Rachel said it's telepathy. haha. Oh and we got a C. I was aiming for below 17min, and we ran 16.02. Hehe that's an improvement from my trial by 1min 25sec. isn't that great! hehe. For rachel it's just 25 sec. :D

ohkayys. Today we had computer studies YAY. luv it. And it was voting for prefects. I voted abt 15 people. Then we were doing the pendulum thing on computer ppt but mine ended up looking like it was bouncing):

oh well, then we had gel and i can't find my gel file):):):
HMPH. ohwell, anyone short of clothes? come to my class.
there's 2 blouses, 1 PE shirt, 1 pair of PE shorts and a lab coat in the teachers drawer.
smth seriously wrong with my class, we produce clothes.

tag replies!

berries: orhhor! how can you pass notes openly! hehe. the guitar strap was pink because sau's bimbotic friend lent it to her. NOT MY FAULT that was so embarrassing lol.

airbee: LOL THAT'S SO CUTE. AIR BEEE! hehehe. WHATEVER LAH you're one of those freakayye people who run so fast>< you're one of THEM! lol.

ruth: haha you are so much more obsessed man. of course it's cute, i came up with it! hehe.

kat: haha i was joking lah, i'll prolly get a borderline pass^_^ yup the sec 4s went cos mrs yee was talking to them abt pbb. you got a B tt's alr SUPER GOOD unlike my lousy C(:

hannah: HAHAHHA ALRIGHTS i didn't say my posts were tt interesting! and duh-uh i know you're hannah lim! hannah tan uses properproperproper english like a true sbc girl! haha.

ty: yeah but she has a HAWWWWT temper! and her eyeballs are scary when they open too wide and her voice is dangerously sofffft. sighs.

sau: ARRRGHHH YOU HORRIBLE GIRL GO AND TRICK ME! and yeah i dint notice anythin, i was too busy noticing my poor fingers being cut by YOUR SHARP STRINGS!! lol.

ruthgan: alr did. hehehe. is that all you have to say on my blog...

alyssa: ME TOO I MISS YA and anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY today.

dorothy: HELLOOOOOOO number 19. hahaha.

that's all folks!:D

& OINK! ;
4:05 PM

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


ahhh sau and cassie TRICKED ME DELIBERATELY!!! hmphh.

after worship, it was so dumb. cos we changed it and we were gonna end in D instead of G. But i forgot to tell sau, so when i ended in D, then there was this long pause when she was like: play G play G!
then i was like..whaaaat?
so i just strummed a G-.- which was like SO extra luh!

then i looked at her file and i saw smth like
S: blahblabhalha

then i was like whaaaat.
then i was gonna take off the guitar, and then sau gentured a NO to me.
and i was like whyy? but anw i just stood there. then ms toh came and said smth then she said: now to the worship leaders.
and i was gasping.
then sau read off her file.
S: hey, why does it seem like there are less ppl today?
C: oh maybe everyone lost weight! ^^

-__- they were advertising for WORSHIP COMM. and guess what!
S: some people can even do more than one thing, example, play guitar and sing!
*all eyes turn to me*
then cassie was like: ALMOST ALL the sec 4s aren't here.
then i noticed a grp of sec 4s sitting there! and i was like OMG! THERE ARE SEC 4s HERE.
ahhhhhs. sighs.

oh well, hahaha then i took the LIFT DOWN with jeru(: then we had a small grp where very little ppl wanted to talk-.-...

oh well, then had BREAK!

then we had healthy attitudes thingy. seriously jeru xiao jie! SO HARDWORKING. she actually FINISHED the whole project before today! i mean the rest of us hadn't even started yet!
hmmmmm she shld seriously be chair next time(:

today i learned 2 new secrets, all about gb! whooots but it's secret! hahaha. although one, a lotta ppl alr know. heh.
& OINK! ;
7:50 PM

Tuesday, April 17, 2007



why must i be so freakin irresponsible!

I'm going to fail chinese as I have NOT handed up my zhou ji and ying yong wen! I'll hand it up tomorrow morning but i'll probably get 0 anyway cos lao shi said so!):

I'm going to fail LA because i did my compo last minute, and i didn't even know it must be under 350 words. i wrote like 3 1/2 foolscap paper with double spacing. it's almost definitely above it. plus my topic was so lame!

I'm going to fail history! I never study for it. And i failed the last last history test quite badly.

I'm going to fail biology! i can never get those darn concepts right, and my group got lowest in class for presentation.

I'm going to fail physics! I always fall asleep during ms or's class and she nvr wakes me up. I don't even know half of what the class knows. I can't even remember what convection is[ not that i EVER knew].

I'm going to PASS maths, cos i luvluvluv maths! WHEEE even though i don't really like mrs poh, oh well. I like maths!

I'm goign to PASS geography because mrs chong is such a funny funny fun fun fun teacher that I always pay attention during class cos what she says leaves the class in tickles! whee! and i even find copying geog notes FUN. can ya believe it? haha.

oh well, good luck to me &my studies.

today was health check up! I think my height was ABNORMAL which is why they had to measure my height and take my weight-.- sigh. they also did it for some short ppl and the lady asked me 'are your parents tall?' IMPLYING STUFF. ahh my parents are a lot shorter than me. heh:D

then they check the backbone thingy with the forward bending exercise blahblahblah. i do believe my back has improved. but as usual, i have to go for regular check ups at SGH. add an I to SGH and it becomes SIGH! haha sorraye im feeling lame(:

yeowch my back hurts): stupid pull ups! upset upset!):

violin later! UPSET UPSET)):

gb tomorrow! stupid[not stupid] sec 4s won't be there! wth. everyone has mid years ya know. carnr't they just come! [at least sam promised to come back next year! I'VE GOT THE MESSAGE HISTORY TO PROVE IT]

hehe. my singing is SO GOING TO BE SCREWED UP and sau? why is your guitar strap so HOTTT PINKKKK!!!!! dun tell ppl it will be great. it's just average! AHHHHS.

& OINK! ;
2:55 PM

Monday, April 16, 2007

I know I haven't been blogging for two days. o.O
Haha the usual me is on the comp twentyfourseven but anyway, there was a WORK OVERLOAD): teachers=suck. nahh jkjk(:

I'm really scared of ms ng! she totally hates my grp now for PW. today she yelled at my grp and scolded us SEVERELY. But anyway, we deserve it definitely, our performance during PW is atrocious. I mean we always give up monday's recess to do out PW stuff and in the end, it's done WRONGLY. oh well.

i shall start from...erm. from sunday? ohh yeah. Sunday(:
so anyway went for juniors n then ying xuan's two friends didn't dare to come in because shy mahh. haha. then met this new girl and we were talking REALLY FRIENDLY [even though i didn't even know her name-.-]. haha she ask for ppls name but nvr tell us her name! oh well i found it out in the end(: haha she's nice but i dun even know her age. abt 16/17. Yup. Then we were eating STREPSILS cos she ate it as a SWEET. haha but it tasted weird): oh well. then she said 'give me your hand' and then i was like 'it will kill me!' but she just drew a smiley face(: hahaha. oh well i found her name at last and turns out she's HONG YU'S SISTER-_____- i didn't even know tt until xuan told me. hmphh ying xuan said i'm MEAN TO HER.
ahaha she was like 'i'll be nice! even though you're MEAN to me!'. lol. im NOT MEAN.

oh well, then we went for LUNCH!!! haha:D i always look forward to sunday lunches tho i dunno why. then we went home and i did my hmwk! or at least tried to. JIEJIE BOUGHT ME EAR PHONES!!! now i shall stop drowning my misery in my old brooken ones(:
n then erm. my mum said we were going to a VEGETARIAN RESTAURANT and i was like 'what's wrong with you!!!' haha in a joking way. you knwo i am ANTI-VEGGIE RIGHT? gd thing it was too crowded so we went to eat at CURRY WOK<3333whooots. which has pork knuckle<333ahh i've been pestering my parents to bring me there and they're all 'NOOOO it's too ex'. then when the veggie restaurant said tt they had no space, they were like 'oh let's eat at curry wok!'. hahaha whoo hooo!!!

then errm. I went to the HOLLAND V on sat to eat my IPOH HOR FAN!!lovelovelove! haha sorry im going food crazy. [i'm hungry]. then we went to the dunno what shop which has lots of ang mos and stuff there. so i bought angie's present! my mum told me i was silly to spend so much but oh wells, the other thing which was one dollar cheaper was so much smaller! not worth it heh.

then went home and planned to tell xuan of the IPOH HOR FAN SHE MISSED. who ask her go RJC choir concert? ghahaha. erm. on sunday night we watched NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM!!! AHHH GOGO BOUGHT THE DVD! AHHH WHOOOOOTTTTT. owen wilson and the octavius guy are really CUTTEEEE [when they're so small]. ahh so cute^_^

erm. today we had PFT. me rach and kel had it together! so i got altogether 21 points so far, i'll get a D for running that's for sure, so it will be 23 points altogether. and last year/ I GOT TWENTY NINE POINTS KKIES! hmphh i deproved so much! STUPID PULL UPS! i could only manage nine and rachel could manage four! haha. so i got a D for tt.

runnin i'll get a D.

sit ups i got A!! when i hit 31 i stopped cos tts all i do to get A^_^

standing broad jump i only jumped 172): whuts wrong with meeee! in P5 i jumped 183, in P6 i jumped 173...i keep deproving. my legs must be getting SHORTER. nooooo!!! hahas okk then

erm sit and reach i [obviously] got A cos it's my BEST ITEM EVER! haha even though i have long legs which is a disadvantage, maybe it's cos of long arms!

shuttle run i got B)): last year i got 29 points cos i missed the A for shuttle run by 0.1s!! HMPHHHHHHHH. wahlao eh. i actually got A for running last year! hmm. oh wells. who cares abt pft pri sch is so much easier!!! i got like A for everything.. n got the 3 year gold thingy. i carrn't believe what i did last year tho. how did i do it in the first place? 16 pull ups? HMMMMMM. i must have been mad.

then we had WORSHIP PRAC and my voice was totally crackin. PS im leading for wed's worship for GB so pls, if my voice is really terrible forgive me! cover your ears if you must. oh well hope everything turns out fine. sau gave me a PINK STRAP for the guitar! WAHHH IT'S LIKE HOT PINK OKKK!!!! hahaha.

Happy birthday angeline wong!

& OINK! ;
6:40 PM

Saturday, April 14, 2007


so today we had worship prac in school because on monday sau can't make it and the sec 1s have PFT. So tt would be almost everbody.
I got there at like 10+ super early so no one was there.
okies so we prac the songs and stuff.
haha sorry lazy to give details.

rachel: yan how to play A minor?
me: oh you dunno? when you see the Am....

then i started laughing hysterically n everyone followed suit. cos aminor is written as A m.


oh well, we created a REAL NICE ENDING^_^ for the last two songs. hope it turns our alright!
& OINK! ;
2:25 PM

Friday, April 13, 2007

Oh what happened to my blogger?
the format seems to have changed.

Ahh I'm getting really nervous about leading worship for GB. Sighs. The sec 4s aren't going for ANYMORE gb meetings!)):not even the one on this coming wednesday! SIGHHHH.

oh well.

Today it was raining again! i brought my UMBRELLA^_^

hannah limmy was supposed to visit today but she's down with a HIGH FEVER. friday the 13th much!!! sigh, i wish we didn't have to keep delaying this moment.

hmm nothing much to blog about.

AHHHH there are no more drill pracs and today is FRIDAY!!! for crying out loud i'm dead bored. i shld go do hmwk or sth. oh well.


Rachel: tts cos you don't eat as much as I DO!!! and it hit your head last time long ago^_^ yup i was so surprised but i didn't even hear it in the first place. I'M GOING DEAF):

berries: hmphhh goody two shoes huh!! hahaha:D you shld start doing it. it's fun to throw notes to each other when the tchrs back is turned!

kat: OF COURSE IT LOOKS DECENT. i cooked it! haha just kidding. it's prolly the same one, you don't meet a kind-souled mgs girl everyday you know! ahhh:D so you walked home in the rain too hah...

sau: kindness is with that umbrella person!!:D

sabina: heyys! HAHA i can believe it alrighT!:D


There was once a hospital. Every friday, in the ICU, the patient in bed number 13 would die at 5pm. No one knew the reason why, so 2 doctors decided to investigate the case, so on one of the fridays, they went and hid behind bed number 13. The patient, as all other patients in the ICU, was on LIFE SUPPORT. At 5pm, the old cleaning lady came up. She unplugged the life support and plugged in the vacuum cleaner.
& OINK! ;
4:10 PM

Thursday, April 12, 2007



due to my forgetfulness to bring an umbrella, I walked home in the rain[which was super heavy] and now I'm so wettt. but I don't wanna bathe cos i have tuition later and my teacher will be all: how come you bathe?

so when i was walking home in the rain, this oh-so-kind MGS girl came up to me and said: excuse me do you wanna share an umbrella?[offering me hers]
i said no thanks it's ok cos her umbrella was too small n she would get wetter anyway. then a min later she said: are you sure?
omg! i felt so guilty. NICE PERSON^_^ i have yet to find out who she is.
Haha me and rachel have been PASSING NOTES IN CLASS[everyone go 'tsk tsk' now!] But we always have to THROW it when the teacher's back is turned which is quite fun lah. last time i threw it and it knocked her HEAD! whoopsies.

So today for PE, we had to run 2.4km! wahhh i thought i'd 'fail' but i PASSED! WHOOT. I think i got a D? oh well, i thot i wouldn't pass this trial anyway. But brilliant rachel got exactly one minute faster than me-.- oh well. she's always a better runner even though during PE, as miss shaddick always says, the two of us are ALWAYS 'one step behind everyone else' in the sense that we always come in last for running, always the last to reach the meeting place etc. ms shaddick is so pissed with the two of us. WHOOPS.

I gave weiyi 'her' invitation card done by ME! and she said it was pretty until ALYSIA TOOK OFF THE RIBBON which i took 20min to tie so that it was symetrical. AHHHHHSSSSS!!! WAH LAO SUCH A WASTED EFFORT but i think weiyi was touched that i took so much time to do it. HAHAHA:D oh well, stupid ribbon>.

Rachel said she MIGHT be having a birthday outing/party, one for class ppl and one for the contingent. that means i'll be the only person who is invited to both parties right? WHOO thank God i'm in her class :D haha joking joking.


kat: oh well at least home econs went pretty well for me. [oh that reminds me to put a pic of what i cooked here^_^]

grace: oh? she told us you forced her. lol^.^

zoe: HELLO ZOE. hahaha i was kidding luhhhs. but you two really walk like snails.


ruth: nope so it's a wasted present isn't it? oh well, she gave it to her BRO who wanted it btw. HAHA so funnyyy:D


sau: hmph me? hmm i didn't understand. haha;D

what i cooked:
& OINK! ;
3:40 PM